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Three Of The Lesser Known Benefits Of Hiring A Car Accident Lawyer

If you have been involved in a car accident, you may be thinking about hiring a car accident lawyer to represent you in a personal injury case. Most people know some of the key benefits associated with hiring an attorney to represent them, including having an attorney properly fill out paperwork, serve the appropriate party, and help you understand the various steps that occur throughout a personal injury case. But, there are a few lesser-known benefits associated with hiring an auto accident lawyer as well. Here are three of those benefits. 

Ensuring Your Case Is Filed Prior to the Statute of Limitations Expiring 

One of the ways that a car accident attorney can help you with a personal injury claim is by ensuring your case is filed prior to the statute of limitations expiring or tolling. You only have a specific period of time to bring a case against the other driver. The statute can vary based on the state you reside in, but an attorney knows what the statute is in your area and can ensure your case is filed before the deadline is reached. 

Helping to Guide and Direct Your Medical Treatment and Care

Another way that a car injury lawyer can assist you is by helping to guide and direct your medical treatment and care. Not everyone has medical insurance, and not everyone can afford their co-pays if they do, especially if they have been unable to work due to the accident. An attorney can help find providers who will work on a lien basis, helping to ensure you get the care you need regardless of your financial and health insurance situation. 

Preserving Evidence For Your Case

The last lesser-known benefit of hiring a car accident attorney is that they can preserve evidence for your case. This includes talking to witnesses, subpoenaing camera footage, and obtaining statements from you and the other driver. It is important that this information be collected early on, to ensure memories do not change, individuals can be located, and footage is not erased.

If you have sustained injuries in a car accident, and another driver has fault for that accident, you may be able to file a personal injury case against the other driver and/or their insurance company. A car accident lawyer can help you in many different ways, including ensuring your case is filed prior to the statute of limitations tolling, helping you get the medical care you need, and preserving evidence for your case. If you have been injured in an automobile accident, reach out to a car accident lawyer to discuss your case and how they can help.